Gardening Tips for Beginners

Gardening Tips for Beginners
As the weather warms up, we find ourselves wanting to spend more time outside enjoying the sun. Although daunting to many new starters, gardening is the perfect way to enjoy the weather and is a great hobby for all ages. It is satisfying to grow fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, knowing that you were the one that maintained and grew each plant. If you are a beginner at gardening and want some pointers, follow our guide on six tips for starting a garden.

1. Start Small. If you are new to gardening, it is best to start a small garden that you are able to grow over time rather than start a big project that will become overwhelming in maintenance. Starting at the right size will give you time to learn the basics of not only the plants you are growing but learn about how things grow in the space you are using. The amount of space needed will also depend on what items you are aiming to grow. Plan to grow three to five items to begin, and grow more as you get comfortable. If you are looking to grow just some fresh herbs, it will take up less space and a few small pots will suffice. Growing several different kinds of vegetables will require a little more room such as an 8-foot area or multiple medium to large pots.
2. Location Matters. There are several reasons to pay attention to the location of your garden. First off, depending on the plant you will want adequate sun exposure. Secondly, you will want the garden to be in close sight, that way you are more likely to remember to tend to it. If you place the garden on the far corner of your yard, it will be easier to forget about your plants- out of sight and out of mind. Lastly, orient your garden to maximize sun exposure to each plant and prevent one plant from shading another one.

3. Grow what you like to eat. What ingredients do you find yourself using most? Growing a garden that includes all the fresh vegetables and herbs that you use frequently will help increase your productivity when it comes to tending to your garden. Fresh basil, cilantro, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and peppers are great starting ideas.
4. Do Your Research. Different plants may have different needs. Make sure to take the time to read on planting seasons, sun exposure, container sizes, watering needs, and more. It is possible to provide too much sun exposure or to overwater your plants, so be prepared by reading about the plants you will be growing.
5. Use rich soil. When starting a garden, soil will provide needed nutrients to your garden and give an extra boost to grow your plants. Make sure not to pack the soil in too tight as this can create hinder the plant’s growth and may cause the roots to rot.
6. Water, Water, Water! Frequent watering, in the beginning, keeps plants strong- especially in the summer months. If your garden is in a heavily sunned area, your plants will dry out faster and will need more frequent watering. Once plants are established it is best to give them a heavy watering to the roots every few days rather than a short mist every day. This helps the water penetrate deep into the roots and encourage continual growth. But remember, do your research so you may properly tend to each plant.
With these easy tips on gardening, you will be ready to start a garden of your own today.
– By Alicia Valesey, Communications and Marketing Coordinator for Garden City Realty
Posted on 04/26/2020 in Uncategorized