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Events for Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Myrtle Beach History, Movies and Music Trolley Tour

Discover Myrtle Beach's Unique History

Hear the story of Myrtle Beach’s coming of age in the mid-20th century to the present day, the movies that were made or premiered there, the role music played in its history, and that Myrtle Beach played in music history. Stops include Charlie’s Place Historic Site, which was once a part of the Chitlin' Circuit, and its motel was listed in The Green Book.

You'll meet in front of the Grand 14 Theater at The Market Common, beside the airport, to begin boarding at 9:45 AM.

  • There is ample free parking in two parking decks, several lots, and on the street.
  • Nearby cafes are open before the tour, and upscale restaurants and stores are ready to welcome patrons upon the tour's return at noon.
  • The trolley is enclosed and climate-controlled. However, we recommend you bring a sweater or jacket if the weather calls for it to keep you comfortable at our stops.
  • There are restrooms near Grand 14 on Deville Street on the next corner beside the bike shop and at Charlie's Place.

PLEASE NOTE: Guests must be at least three years old to be aboard the trolley.

For more information, please click here


Start: 10:00AM
End: 12:00PM


In front of Grand 14 Movie Theater, 4002 Deville Street at The Market Common


Myrtle Beach History, Movies and Music Trolley Tour

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